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©, 2025 Privacy PolicyWalmart has Johnson's Head-To-Toe Tear Free Infant Baby Bath Body Wash Soap and Shampoo, 27.1 oz for $7.68. Shipping is usually free to Walmart+ members or on orders over $35.
About this product:
Gentle enough for newborns and good for the whole family, Johnson's Head-To-Toe Baby Body Wash & Shampoo helps make bath time bonding time with your baby. This ultra-mild 2-in-1 baby bath wash & shampoo is pediatrician-tested and pH-balanced to baby skin and washes away 99.9% of germs. Containing over 90 percent ingredients of natural origin,* this sulfate-free baby shampoo and cleanser is gentle enough to cleanse baby's sensitive skin. The Johnson's No More Tears formula makes this baby wash tear-free and as gentle to your baby's eyes as pure water. This baby body wash and hair shampoo contains no harsh fragrances, parabens, phthalates, or dyes & Johnson's does not test on animals. Apply the hypoallergenic baby wash & shampoo with warm water using your hand or a washcloth, gently lather, rinse, and follow with massage using Johnson's Head to Toe Baby Lotion.*Based on average cumulative volume of ingredients in Johnson's Head-To-Toe wash & shampoo, using ISO DIS 16128 (water included).