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©, 2025 Privacy PolicyWalmart has BODYARMOR SuperDrink Strawberry Grape Sports Drink, 12 fl oz bottles, 8 pack for $10.06. Shipping is usually free to Walmart+ members or on orders over $35.
About this product:
BODYARMOR Sports Drink Strawberry Grape is a hydrating sports drink with potassium packed electrolytes and natural flavors to help keep you hydrated. This sports drink provides essential electrolytes and is made without artificial sweeteners, flavors or dyes. BODYARMOR combines coconut water, electrolytes, antioxidants & vitamins to help support the athlete in all of us. The natural banana and strawberry flavors provide a refreshing burst of fruitiness in every sip, taking this hydration drink to the next level. Whether you're training for your big game or pushing through an intense workout, this Sports Drink has you covered. Take your hydration game to the next level with BODYARMOR Sports Drink Strawberry Grape.