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©, 2025 Privacy PolicyWalmart has COAST PX22 100 Lumen Alkaline Power IP54 Rated LED Flashlight, 1.41 oz for $8.88. Shipping is usually free to Walmart+ members or on orders over $35.
About this product:
Carry close, see far. The PX22 flashlight, unique among COAST pen lights, features a fixed and pocket clip to combine clip-and-carry convenience with longer-range viewing. Maxing out at 100 lumens, the two-mode beam from this sleek frame reaches 52 meters (170 feet) with a hotspot at the center and a surrounding halo of softer light to expand the viewing area. The PX22 measures 4 inches long and less than one ounce—combining ultimate portability construction. Made from top-grade aluminum, this go-everywhere pen light is IP54, ready to shine in any weather.