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©, 2025 Privacy PolicyEnhance your landscape with Scotts® Premium Topsoil Lawn and Garden Soil Conditioner. This soil conditioner adds organic matter and sphagnum peat moss to existing soil, and is ideal for new or existing gardens or new lawns. When conditioning soil for new gardens, spread 2-3 inches of product. Gently mix into the top 6-8 inches of native soil before leveling. For existing gardens, place 1-2 inches of product around plants, spread evenly, and gently mix into existing soil. When conditioning soil for new lawns, spread 1-2 inches of product into your lawn area. Mix into the top 1-2 inches of native soil before leveling. In both gardens and lawns, water thoroughly after seeding. For best results, use Scotts® Turf Builder® LawnSoil™ on lawns or Miracle-Gro® Garden Soil products in gardens. We recommend wearing gardening gloves when using this product and washing your hands afterwards. Scotts® Premium Topsoil is for in-ground use only..
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